Scholarship Resources
Our scholarship resources provide scholarships and financial aid options for college, university, and technical schools. We hope these resources help fund your future!
FAFSA Scholarships
Are For Everyone
- A federal aid application providing scholarships and loans based on familial financial status
- Resident or Citizen of the United States
- Enrolled or intent to enroll in an accredited university or college
- Full or part time enrollment requirement depending on specific scholarship


AIEF Vocational Scholarship Application

The AIEF Vocational Scholarship provides funding for Native America, Alaska Native, and Native Hawiian students pursuing vocational education.

Funds Awarded
$500 per year paid directly to each recipient’s college or university.

- Native American, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian (student or one parent must be enrolled and have documentation)
- Attending an accredited 2 or 4-year college/university or technical/vocational school

Due Dates

AISES Polaris Vocational Trades Scholarship

AISES is excited to be partnering with Polaris Inc. to provide AISES’s first vocational trades scholarship. The vocational trades scholarship program offers a $1,500 scholarship to students pursuing a vocational certificate or diploma at an accredited institution.
The Polaris Vocational Trades Scholarship is for any individual who has not yet earned a college degree and is enrolled in or will be enrolled in a vocational credential, vocational certificate, or occupational license program. Vocational degrees typically are one year or less in duration, certify competency in a specific trade, or provide a license to perform certain occupations. Vocational programs will be verified prior to making final awards.

Funds Awarded
$1,500 scholarship

- Studying one of the fields listed on the scholarship page
- Must must be full-time at one of the following types of accredited institutions: vocational-technical school, trade school, tribal college, two-year community college, or state college for the 2023-2024 academic year.
- Must have a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA).
- Applicants must be an enrolled citizen or a descendant of an enrolled citizen of a federally-recognized American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native Village; or Native Hawaiian or descendant from a Native Hawaiian; or Pacific Islander or descendant from Pacific Islander; or Indigenous person of Canada.
- All scholarships require applicants be current AISES members at the time of application.

Due Dates

Alaska Community Foundation Scholarship Registry

The ACF awards scholarships that are made possible by passionate community members who
are committed to helping Alaskans pursue their educational dreams. This website operates as a
catalog of these community member’s scholarships each having their own specific requirements
and deadlines.

- A personal Statement/Essay
- Official High School Transcript
- Post-Secondary School/Training unofficial transcript
- Financial statement
- Student Aid Report (Including in completion of the FAFSA)
- Proof of acceptance to a post secondary educational institution

Due Dates
Varies depending on scholarship, however all have a submission time of 5PM AK time

Alaska Performance Scholarship

The Alaska Performance Scholarship is a multi level reward scholarship that is available to all Alaska residents to help in covering the cost of Alaska Post-Secondary education. There are 3 levels of college rewards as well as a technical/ vocational scholarship.

Funds Awarded
Awards will pay for tuition, books and fees up to $1500 per semester. High school students taking college courses may also apply for the College Development Fund.

- Alaska resident
- Graduate from an Alaska high school
- Complete the FAFSA
- Attend an APS approved school
- Have a GPA of at least 2.5+
- Have an ACT/SAT score of at least 21/1060*
- OR have a WorkKeys exam score of 13+ alongside academic requirements.

Due Dates
FAFSA Completion by the 30th of June

Alaska State Fair Scholarship

The Alaska State Fair Scholarship is a multiple award scholarship with flexible requirements that encourage critical thinking and creativity. The reward level varies upon the placing of your ideas determined by the State Fair’s Director of Community and Corporate Relations, in addition to any monetary reward all applicants receive 2 free admissions to the upcoming State Fair.

- Cover letter including student’s name, address, phone and email, school name and phone, counselor’s name, and the name of the college or vocational school he or she plans to attend
- Extracurricular resume including interests, clubs, community service and/or employment
- One letter of recommendation
- A photo that may be used for publicity purposes
- Written essay (1,000 words or less) or creative project (audio, video, performance or visual arts, business plan, social media campaign, arts and crafts, photography, etc.). Please note that DVDs/External Hard Drives will not be accepted. Students can submit videos online by uploading to their personal YouTube, Instagram or other video account, then entering the video URL on the submission page. All application materials should be submitted at alaskastatefair.org or mailed to:
Alaska State Fair
Attn: Kelly Larson
2075 Glenn Hwy
Palmer, Alaska 99645
Essay topics vary by year and intending applicants should check the application to see what is desired.

Due Dates
March 29, 2023 by 4:30PM AKDT

BBEDC College Development

The College Development Fund awards financial aid to Bristol Bay CDQ residents pursuing degrees at the Bristol Bay Campus or via distance delivery from the University of Alaska, Alaska Pacific University or other accredited institutions. Programs through any out of state institutions may be approved with justification from the applicant. Awards will pay for tuition, books and fees up to $1500 per semester. High school students taking college courses may also apply for the College Development Fund.

Funds Awarded
Awards will pay for tuition, books and fees up to $1500 per semester. High school students taking college courses may also apply for the College Development Fund.

- Resident of a Bristol Bay CDQ community
- Enrolled in a degree program with the University of Alaska, Alaska Pacific University (via distance delivery) or Bristol Bay Campus
- Registered as a part-time student
- Undergraduates must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
- Graduate students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA

Due Dates
Applications are accepted year round. Students must apply each semester.

BBRCTE Scholarship Database

Click on the following link to access the BBRCTE’s Scholarship Database, where you will find comprehensive information and resources to assist you in your pursuit of college or vocational scholarships.

Bristol Bay Foundation Scholarship Program

The Bristol Bay Foundation has both the Higher Education Scholarship Program and the Career-Focused Vocational Education (CFVE) Scholarship Program.

Funds Awarded
Rewards are based on need and are addressed in the application process.

Apply at myBBNC.net website following the requirements listed on the website.

Due Dates
April 5, 2024 by 5PM AKDT

Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative Inc. Scholarship

Funds Awarded
The number of scholarships and the dollar amount of each scholarship is at the discretion of the Board with a minimum amount of $1000.00 going to each of the three districts that BBTC serves

- High School Graduate;
- A resident of one of the three service areas at the time of original application;
- Planning to attend an in-state or out-of-state post-secondary academic or vocational program at a college, university, technical school, trade school, or vocational school the following year.
The three service areas are:
- Naknek River District: Communities of Naknek, King Salmon, and South Naknek. The area defined by the boundaries of the Bristol Bay Borough.
- Kvichak District: Communities of Igiugig & Levelock.
- Nushagak District: Communities of Ekwok, New Stuyahok, and Koliganek.

Due Dates
April 15th, 2024 at 4:30 AKST

Calista Education and Culture Scholarship

The Calista Education and Culture Scholarship Program is an established scholarship for
members of the Calista Corporation with scaling rewards according to GPA and Part or Full time

Funds Awarded
Rewards scale with GPA and enrollment status specified on the application website.

- Calista Corporation Voting Shareholder or Descendant of an Original Shareholder: Applicant must be a Calista Corporation Voting Shareholder or Descendant (either natural born or legally adopted) of an Original Shareholder. Individuals who inherited or received gifted shares may not be Original Shareholders. Applicants must be Alaska Native and submit a copy of their Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) or Tribal Enrollment Documentation. Descendants must also submit a copy of their birth certificate.
- High School Diploma or GED: Applicant must have a high school diploma or GED.
- Grade Point Average (GPA): Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Most recent official transcripts from trade, vocational, college, or universities attended must be submitted, or official transcripts from graduating high school or copy of GED, if no post-secondary educational institution has been attended.
- Letter of Acceptance/Good Standing or Proof of Application: Applicant must be accepted to an accredited school (trade, vocational, college, university) or provide proof of application. A letter of acceptance/good standing or letter from the school stating the application for admission is currently under review must be submitted. A letter of acceptance must be submitted if an applicant is awarded a scholarship.
- Enrollment Status: Applicants must be enrolled Full-time or Part-time based on the schools requirements. Trade/Vocational students must be enrolled in a degree seeking or certification program.

Due Dates
Fall Term: June 30th
Spring Term: December 1st

Choggiung Educational Endowment Foundation Career/Work Enhancement

The purpose for this scholarship is to provide assistance to Shareholders who wish to enhance
their employability by taking a class, workshop or training event. Applicants may apply more
than one time per year, however, the amount awarded per year must not exceed $500.
Career/Work Enhancement scholarships are awarded throughout the year until funds are

Funds Awarded
Reward is dependent upon need.

- High School Diploma or GED
- Enrollment in Choggiung Limited
- Amount required for enhancement event
- Employer reference if applicable
- A statement/letter of interest
- Written proof of admission

Due Dates
April 28, 2024 by 5PM AKDT

Choggiung Educational Endowment Foundation Full Time Post-Secondary Education Scholarship

Choggiung Educational Endowment Foundation (CEEF) was created to encourage Choggiung
shareholders to seek higher education. To do so, scholarships are awarded to shareholders
pursuing college degrees, short term training, or career enhancement opportunities.

Funds Awarded
Reward is dependant on need

- High School Diploma or GED
- Enrollment in Choggiung Limited
- Full time enrollment in an accredited college or university
- A letter of interest in your field of study
- Most recent official transcript
- Two letters of recommendation
- A letter of acceptance from your intended institution of study

Due Dates
April 28, 2024 at 5PM

Harvey Samuelson Scholarship Trust

This scholarship is designed to allow residents of Bristol Bay communities pursue a higher education with the intent that they will return to their communities and improve them. All applicants must be residents and maintain a residency policy specified in their scholarship.

Funds Awarded
Reward dependent on need.

- Resident of a Bristol Bay CDQ community
- Enrolled in a degree program with the University of Alaska, Alaska Pacific University (via distance delivery) or Bristol Bay Campus
- Registered as a part-time student
- Undergraduates must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
- Graduate students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA

Due Dates
January, 5 2024 by 5PM AKDT

Horatio Alger National Career & Technical Education Scholarship

While most other scholarships focus exclusively on academic achievement or leadership potential, Horatio Alger Scholarships are also intended for promising students who have critical financial need, demonstrate integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, and are determined to succeed.

Funds Awarded
500 scholarships at $2,500 each

- Have completed high school (or earned high school equivalency credential) by July 1
- Plan to attend a not-for-profit post-secondary institution by September
- Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete an associate’s degree, certificate, or diploma program
that will lead to employment - Not be enrolled in pre-requisite courses
- Demonstrate critical financial need ($55,000 or lower adjusted gross family income OR Pell Grant eligibility are required)
- Be under the age of 35
- Be a United States citizen

Due Dates
Rolling beginning in March

June Nelson Memorial Scholarship

The June Nelson Memorial Scholarship is named in honor of the late June Nelson, a longtime school board member from Kotzebue. June contributed much to the cause of education and will be remembered for her outstanding service on behalf of Alaska’s children. This scholarship is made possible and funded by individual contributions of school board members and administrators from across the state!

Funds Awarded
AASB will award up to fifteen $1,500 scholarships to apply toward post-secondary education

- The student must be graduating this school year.
- The student must be accepted as a full-time student by either a business, trade, or college institution.
- Only students graduating from AASB’s member school districts will be considered for the scholarship award. Students attending private schools are not considered.

Due Dates
April 1st, 2024 by 5:00 PM AKST

William Tennyson and Joseph Clark Voc/Tech Scholarship

BBHA accepts Voc-Tech applications from Bristol Bay tribal members who are in need of financial assistance to attend various voc-tech schools that have certificate and diploma programs.

Funds Awarded

- Provide proof of tribal membership in a Bristol Bay Tribe. (Attached Verification Form)
- Complete BBHA Voc/Tech Scholarship Application

Due Dates
June 15th, 2024